UGLY SWEATER PARTY.. nasty. I even have a fanny pack!

Me and my friends before the Motion City Soundtrack concert in Vegas

Me and my date Colton at the PJ dance

uh.. we're bows. duh!

We went mudding and got stuck for TWO HOURS! good times!

Me and Camille at an FHE activity for church

I'M DONE WITH FINALS!!!! I can't even express how good it feels to be done with all my finals. the last couple weeks have been very stressful and full of studying. My first final was Biology lab a week ago Thursday, and then this week was finals week. I had two finals on Monday, and then nothing until Friday- my Biology final. So I had A LOT of deadtime. I didn't really know what to do with myself because obviously I wasn't going to study 24 hours a day. So on Tuesday this week I went snowboarding the first time with all my new gear! I had everything new- new board, boots, binding, coat, pants, goggles, etc. So it was a big day to test it all out, and it went well! I had the time of my life, even though I had a good share of falls. But the more I go, the better I will get. Since I am only a beginner at Snowboarding, I want to practice my carving the next few times. Then I will get it down!!
So, finals. Well, they were sort of a kick in the butt! I mean, they were for the most part pretty straight forward, but my Biology final was scary. But I did my best, and that is all anyone can do. So right now I am in Phoenix. I just got here today and will be here with my family for a few days before we go to MISSOURI FOR CHRISTMAS!!! I can't even tell you how excited I am! I am so stoked about Christmas break. AND my dad got a job in Salt Lake City, so my parents are moving there from Phoenix! Awesome huh?!
Well, I am going to go hang out with my family now, but I hope you are having a great Christmas season. Enjoy the people around you, and remember to smile. Stay fresh!
ADDI!! I love looking at your blog all your pictures are so cute. Anyways I hope you have a great christmas break, and have fun in missouri! I bet you're so excited. I'm thinkin about getting into snow boarding, I've never been before and I want to go! See ya when school starts, later chika!
CUTE! You have a blog! Haha I love you. I'm gonna add you to my page k? We're hanging soon!
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